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    For your best service, our store gives you the opportunity to choose between different payment methods, providing that their selection is activated on the checkout page immediately before confirming your order. The activation of each payment method depends on various factors such as the shipping method, the delivery address, the value of the order, etc.

    You can place your orders by choosing either one of the below payment methods:


    In the case of shipment within Greece, you can pay the corresponding value of the merchandise ordered upon delivery by the courier service with which we cooperate. The cash-on-delivery method of payment is only offered for orders to be delivered within Greece (cash on delivery service is only available for orders which are not exceeding the amount of 500 euro).

    Βy choosing cash on delivery the customer will be charged a fee of 2,90 euros corresponding to shipping cost for orders to be delivered within Greece.

    Note: Cash on delivery method is not available for orders to be delivered outside of Greece.

    Orders exceeding the amount of 500 euros

    For orders exceeding the amount of 500 euros cash on delivery is not available. In that case, the transaction needs to be completed by paypal, bank transfer or debit / credit card.

    Relevant Greek Legislation

    Σύμφωνα με το Νόμο Ν.4446/2016 άρθρο 69 § 2 «Τα φορολογικά στοιχεία συνολικής αξίας πεντακοσίων (500) ευρώ και άνω, που εκδίδονται για πώληση αγαθών ή παροχή υπηρεσιών σε ιδιώτες, εξοφλούνται από τους λήπτες τους, αγοραστές των αγαθών ή των υπηρεσιών, αποκλειστικώς με τη χρήση μέσων πληρωμής με κάρτα ή άλλου ηλεκτρονικού μέσου πληρωμής, όπως ενδεικτικά αλλά όχι περιοριστικά τραπεζικό έμβασμα, πληρωμή μέσω λογαριασμού πληρωμών, χρήση ηλεκτρονικού πορτοφολιού. Δεν επιτρέπεται εξόφληση των στοιχείων αυτών με μετρητά.» Ως εκ τούτου οι παραγγελίες με αξία άνω των 500 ευρώ συμπεριλαμβανομένων των φόρων και λοιπών επιβαρύνσεων θα πρέπει να εξοφλούνται με τους παραπάνω τρόπους.


    You can choose to pay online through our website, in a totally safe environment, by filling, the type (Visa, MasterCard etc.), the three-number CVC, the expiring date and the holder’s name . If your card gets rejected, please verify the details filled and make sure the information is correct. The name and the address should match the card holder’s name. If the system still rejects your card, please contact your card’s issuer.

    We do accept Visa and MasterCard.


    Choose to pay for your order easily, quickly and securely using your PayPal account. To activate the payment you will be taken to the PayPal login page. Your account will be charged on the day of your order. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can create one from the PayPal login page by clicking here. For information about the PayPal service you should contact the service’s website.

    PayPal payment orders are subject to additional checks by our company and may be rejected, you may be asked for another payment method or there may be delays in their shipment. You may also be asked for additional information to identify your data.

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